How Do I Effectively Help My Adult Child Who’s Struggling?

How Do I Effectively Help My Adult Child Who’s Struggling?

Supporting an adult child who is struggling with drug abuse or alcohol abuse or a mental health crisis can be a challenging and delicate situation. Recognizing the difference between a healthy relationship versus unhealthy caregiving and codependency is essential. Here are some things that can you in creating and maintaining a healthy relationship with your…

How Much You Drink Can Unintentionally Influence Your Child’s Drinking

How Much You Drink Can Unintentionally Influence Your Child’s Drinking

Parents profoundly impact their children’s behavior, attitudes, and values. Children often model their behavior after what they see their parents doing. When parents tell their children not to engage in certain behaviors, like drinking alcohol, but then engage in those behaviors themselves, it sends mixed messages. Children may become confused about what is acceptable or…

Close up of two cars that have been in an accident
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Car Accidents and PTSD: How To Treat Accident Trauma

When many of us think about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), our attention may turn towards military veterans. Service men and women are regularly faced with challenges that can be life-threatening, and even when not in direct combat, the stress of the military can take an enormous toll. However, PTSD can also affect people involved…